Thomaston Rotary Club News
Citizen of the Year Tickets and Donations
Each year the Rotary Club of Thomaston honors a member of the community for his or her unselfish service to
the Town. This year the Citizen of the Year Committee is honoring Mary Beth Johnson.
Rotary Club members are asked to promote the Citizen of the Year event by selling tickets and soliciting donations from members of the community.
If you wish to sell tickets to this event,
If you do not wish to sell tickets,
you can direct members of the community
to purchase tickets at the
Thomaston Public Library, Patti’s Place, and the
Landmark Community Theatre (in person and
All Rotarians are asked to solicit donations
from members of the community.
These donations can be mailed to:
Rotary Club of Thomaston
P. O. Box 87
Thomaston, CT 06787
Also, donations can be made online at the
Landmark Community Theater
Rotary Club of Thomaston
2024 Citizen of the Year:
MaryBeth Johnson
Citizen of the Year Banquet
Thursday, April 25, 2024
Grand Oak Villa